Post jam version

This game was my entry for the Weekly Game Jam 163 with the theme 'Tycoon' which ran from August 22nd 2020 to August 28th 2020. 

I went ahead and continued development to make this a full albeit small game for practice.

A lot has been changed. Mainly the graphics which I am satisfied with. Apart from the drink preparation gameplay, I have added mechanics where you stock up on inventory yourself allowing you to plan ahead of time since the temperature of the day affects the buyer's decisions.  That is, the hotter the day the more likely the customer is going to buy a cold drink and vice versa for a cold day. The different locations also offer different foot traffic depending if it is weekday or weekend.

Players can also hire employees to help them in the store or to increase the customers.

To make the gameplay more interesting, I also added fake customers. If you leave the customer's payments unattended they'll steal it. On the other hand, if you prepare and serve their "orders" they'll leave without paying!

All in all I enjoyed making the game and it improved my coding skills and I got more comfortable with Godot! 

Hope you enjoy!

Oh, and an Android version will be coming shortly!

Files Play in browser
Jun 04, 2021

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